Tag Archives: PR

#ProTip: Dear PR, It is Not “Highest Priority”

#ProTip: Dear PR people, we love you, but please do not send emails marked “Highest Priority.” It usually indicates one of two things. 1) You (or your client) is way behind and this is a last minute thing. To me, the recipient, that says, “This is going to create extra work for you because you have to rearrange your day to try to get it into the publication right away, so you should probably just ignore it.” Or 2) You (or your client) thinks your stuff is so much more important than anyone else’s. This says to me, “I am going to be very annoying and bothersome, and create extra work, so you should probably just ignore it.” Either way, “Highest Priority” always has a bad connotation.

If you want to indicate that something is timely, please just put the date in the subject line. It is so much more polite and it actually conveys useful knowledge to the recipient in a convenient manner. Thank you! via Facebook