On a personal level, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Eating lots of food and hanging out with family doing nothing? Yes, please!
But, for me, it is also bittersweet. While I am fortunate to have wonderful family and friends and a house of abundance, I always think of those who do not. Those with broken families or houses without enough, those who live in fear of their lives or are running from oppression, those who have lost love ones or are dealing with disease. There are so many who are suffering, some beyond imagining, and every time I am thankful for my own life, I am reminded of those who do not have it so good.
It makes me recommitted to the hard work we are doing to try to make the world a little bit of a better place. It reminds me why we make the sacrifices and work through all the blood, sweat and tears, and there has been plenty of those.
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving to all my lovely friends. While you are celebrating your thankfulness, please think of those who struggle to find happiness and commit yourself to do what you can to make their lives a little bit happier. via Facebook