Normally I do not promote events on my personal feed, but I want you ALL to go here and scream your fucking heads off at the stupid politicians and bureaucrats who are RUINING our city. I know, I know, the stupid ones won’t be there, only the ones already on our side, BUT I want to see this place slammed with pissed off Miamians, I want the photos to show up in the Miami Herald Miami New Times The New Tropic Tropicult Curbed Miami and all the other media sites of hundreds, even thousands of people screaming about crushing affordable housing for locals in favor of “luxury” condos the nobody fucking wants.
I see SO many of my friends working themselves to death to try to make #Miami a better place and then all their work is wiped out by some idiot decisions by some greedy fucktard in a big building downtown. GET IN HERE AND LET THEM KNOW YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!
PS: I don’t care if Eventbrite says it is sold out, show up anyway. via Facebook